Due to the fact that I just started exploring the enormous world of design it’s hard for me to specify what kind of design philosophy I have. I really do believe, though, that it is important not to let yourself take a sneak-peek at one particular field and then decide that yes – that’s me. Of course you can do this after a while, but as in my position – at beginner level number one – I think it’s good to maintain an open-minded approach to all the different kinds of styles and areas you might come across.
I do, though, have some fields and kinds of designs that have caught my attention quite a bit more than others. I can’t deny that. For example great editorial things, especially typography, really fascinate me. I adore words and letters, I love to do crazy constellations with them and enjoy the fact that there are a millions of possibilities only within typography. I love to play dress-up with words - making the fonts complete each other, exploring with different sizes to create or minimize space.
Often in my creations and designs you’ll find out that I believe that less is more. I do not enjoy being haunted by many different colors or things in every corner of the design. I love clean, structured and simple designs. Not simple as in boring though! Maybe that’s why I’m so in love with words, letters and sentences – you can make a piece of design interesting without making it too much or over-done.
What I have to really work on, though, is to dare to explore different kinds of styles within this field – and other fields – so that I don’t get stuck in one kind of design track. I feel that I’m kind of contradictive when it comes to what I believe design and creativeness should be and what I do myself. Which clearly is something I’ll have to work on.
Even though I think a certain style or a certain layout is representing my thoughts of what “good designing is” it doesn’t hurt to take other influences in remembrance. I was really inspired by our Portfolio skills lecturer Paul Devonshire when he told us about the importance of doing a lot of drafts, sketches, thumbnails and scribbles – so you don’t stop at your first vision or idea. Even though you might believe it would really work and is certainly what your client is after – it doesn’t have to be the other way around. Your client may hate it!
That matter of a fact was really a wake-up call for me. It really makes sense. And since a designers biggest pursue is to create a delighted and willing-to-come-back clientele you really get the importance of this matter. From now and on I really will get my brain cells working – not just one time, not just a second time... Neither a third, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth or a seventh time. No! From now and on I really understand that it is a great deal of the work to do a good research, then brainstorm and then take all of your ideas in caution until your brain can’t pop any new.
Speaking of inspiration I found myself, a couple of days ago (today it is Thursday the 4th of Nov), having another of those wake-up call moments. It was when our lecturer in Computer skills, Simon Harris, told us that the Pen tool skills is just like going to the gym – we look better the more we practice. First I thought he was just being crazy by comparing us in the gym and us practicing the Pen tool for the same reason – to look better. But with some afterthoughts I find it very, very true. It makes me look better if I practice the Pen tool. It doesn’t only make the graphic, design or logotype look better – it makes me look better as well, since the production of whatever-it-may-be represents me. It represents me and I have my name in connection to it, which is a designer’s recognition tool. A great piece of art results in a positive boost of your name.
As of right now I am really, really eager to start working on every coming project. It’s going to be so much fun. Never thought I could be so inspired and willing to study as I am right now. Actually I don’t even get the fact that I’m here in Sydney, yet….
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